rn it is quite good, but at one point it still is clipping.
that is around the middle in the editor. you can slowly drag the slider to see if it clips with the wheel between the frames
Well, making mods isnt very hard for me, just very time consuming and sometimes difficult. I havent had the motivation to go back to this mod, as I have been working on other mods, school and other hobbies. Today I probably will try out some stuff.
It indeed is ridiculous, it is too much power for my liking, but it still is controllable, I just have to be easier on the throttle in the 1st and 2nd gear
I just drove it for the 1st time, and holy shit it is amazing at cornering. I can just take some corners at basically full steering angle and max speed
Hey, I checked some other forums and found the problem, it is something with the drivers, I installed a older version of the drivers, and now it works. Imma add the driver as an attachment and list the supported devices, so hopefully someone with the same problem will find this post.
Supported Products:
Racing wheels:
- Ferrari Challenge RW PC-PS3
- Ferrari F430 FFB
- Ferrari GT 2-in-1 Rumble Force
- Ferrari GT 2-in-1 Force Feedback
- Ferrari GT Experience Rumble Force
- Ferrari RW Red Legend Edition
- Ferrari Wireless F430 Cockpit
- Nascar Pro Force Feedback 2
- Rally GT PRO Force Feedback
- RGT PRO Clutch Edition
- T.RJ12 USB Adapter
- T100 Force Feedback RW
- T80 Ferrari 488 GTB Edition
- T.16000M
- T.16000M FCS
- T.Flight Hotas X
- T.Flight Stick X
- T.RJ12 USB Adapter
- TFRP T.FLight Rudder pedals
- Top Gun Fox 2 Pro Shock
- Dual Analog 4
- Dual Trigger 2-in-1 Rumble Force
- Dual Trigger 3-in-1 Rumble Force
- Dual Trigger Wireless Rechargeable
- F1 DA Ferrari F60 Exclusive Edition
- F1 DA Gamepad Ferrari 150th Italia Alonso Edition
- F1 Wireless Gamepad Ferrari 150th Italia Alonso Edition
- F1 Wireless Ferrari F60 Exclusive Edition
- Ferrari Motors Gamepad F430 Challenge
- Ferrari Wireless Gamepad 430 Scuderia Limited Edition
- Firestorm Dual Analog 3
- Run ’N’ Drive 3-in-1 Rumble Force
- Run ’N’ Drive Wireless 3-in-1 Rumble Force
- T-Mini 2-in-1 Rumble Force
- T-Mini Wireless 2-in-1
- T-Mini Wireless 2-in-1 Rumble Force
- T-Wireless 2-in-1 Rumble Force
- T-Wireless Black
- T-Wireless Duo Pack
I have a Thrustmaster GT 2in1 force feedback wheel, and today I just found out that it has FFB. I installed the drivers, and it works fine in the control panel app. But in LFS I get that error, and it doesn't work. In other games it also doesn't work, I am not completely sure what the problem might be
I have slowly been working on my own model from scratch, I plan to make it as accurate as I can, so it still needs a decent amount of work, then cleaning up. No estimates on when it will be done. The name isn't fully done.
I didn't have instability like that when testing, I guess I got used to how the setup acts, and in the end it is harder for people who don't know that yet. I will put them into the next version of the bike, with some other some minor fixes.
edit: I figured it out, it is just the editor being dumb, from the bottom angle it looks fine
Chrome somehow broke, I am using the Chrome Basic_ALP, The cutout is set like shown in the picture. When roughness is set to 0.7, it looks perfectly fine from all angles